On Jan 28, Chelsie Diane taught a poetry class on Marilyn Monroe.
I paint my nails blood red the night before
I wake and shower
Hot and slow
Then put my damp hair
In curlers from a bygone era
I make my favorite apple coffee cake from scratch
Adding extra cinnamon
And a dash of uncalled-for nutmeg
As I patiently wait for my hair to set
(is that what they call it?)
I put on the boldest of red lipstick
and a full face of makeup
now rushing to log in on time
Already channeling my guide of the past decade plus
I make a French 75
with homemade Lavender simple syrup
I listen to the story of Her
Which always makes me cry
Time and again my soul rising with
"Me too"
In unexpected places
I find
in the shadows she casts
Unabashed courage
Resilience wrapped in a Channel No 5 scented coat of cloudy luxury
Defiance dripping from her smile in the face of a too cruel world
Refusing absolutely to give up an ounce of power
In a world full of men
Determined to strip it from her
Just like me
Note: I highly recommend doing all of the above while dressing in your most Marilyn clothes and taking a preposterous number of selfies, then soaking in a bath, leafing through your favorite books, eating as much as you can and taking yet more selfies to capture the iconic curls before they are gone.